/ˈgɑːnə/- a country of West Africa, with its southern coastline bordering on the Atlantic Ocean; pop. 23,887,800 (est. 2009); languages, English (official), West African languages; capital, Accra. Former name (until 1957)
G OLDC OAST.加纳(西非国家, 南部海岸线接大西洋, 2009年估计人口23,887,800, 语言为英语和一些西非语言, 其中英语为官方语言, 首都阿克拉, 原称G OLDC OAST[1957年前])。
Formerly a centre of the slave trade, the area became the British colony of Gold Coast in 1874. In 1957 it was the first British colony to gain independence as a member of the Commonwealth, under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah.