- Gandhi1, Mrs Indira (1917-84), Indian stateswoman, Prime Minister 1966-77 and 1980-4. The daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, she sought to establish a secular state and to lead India out of poverty. She was assassinated by her own Sikh bodyguards following prolonged religious disturbance.甘地夫人, 英迪拉(1917-1984, 印度女政治家, 1966年-1977年以及1980年-1984年任总理, 作为贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁的女儿, 她寻求建立一个世俗国家, 并希望领导印度摆脱贫困; 在印度经历长期宗教骚乱之后, 她被自己的锡克教保镖暗杀)。
- Gandhi2, Mahatma (1869-1948), Indian nationalist and spiritual leader; full name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He became prominent in the opposition to British rule in India, pursuing a policy of non-violent civil disobedience. He never held government office, but was regarded as the country's supreme political and spiritual leader; he was assassinated by a Hindu following his agreement to the creation of the state of Pakistan.圣雄甘地(1869-1948, 印度的民族主义者和精神领袖, 全名莫汉达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地, 他在反对英国统治印度的斗争中开始崭露头角, 推行非暴力不合作政策; 他从未任担任任何政府职务, 但被国民视为最高政治和精神领袖; 他在同意巴基斯坦建国之后被一名印度教徒暗杀)。
adjective- Gandhi3, Rajiv (1944-91), Indian statesman, Prime Minister 1984-9. The eldest son of Indira Gandhi, he became Prime Minister after his mother's assassination. His premiership was marked by continuing unrest and he was assassinated during an election campaign.甘地, 拉吉夫(1944-1991, 印度政治家, 1984-1989年任总理, 是英迪拉·甘地的长子, 在其母被暗杀后担任总理; 在他任总理期间, 印度持续动乱, 他在一次选举活动中被暗杀)。