- (亦作Gaea, Ge)Greek Mythology the Earth personified as a goddess, daughter of Chaos. She was the mother and wife of Uranus (Heaven); their offspring included the Titans and the Cyclops.【希腊神话】大地女神盖亚(大地的化身, 卡俄斯的女儿, 乌拉诺斯[天神]的母亲和妻子, 与乌拉诺斯的后代包括提坦诸神和库克罗普斯)。
- ORIGIN: Greek, 'Earth'.
- the earth viewed as a vast self-regulating organism(被看成是能自行调节的巨大有机体的)地球。
- ORIGIN: 1970s: coined by James Lovelock, at the suggestion of the writer William Golding, from the name of the goddess Gaia.