/ænˈtɪliːz/- a group of islands, forming the greater part of the West Indies. The Greater Antilles, extending roughly east to west, comprise Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico; the Lesser Antilles, to the south-east, include the Virgin Islands, Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, and various small islands to the north of Venezuela.安的列斯群岛(西印度群岛的主要组成部分; 大安的列斯群岛大致上由东向西延伸, 包括古巴、牙买加、伊斯帕尼奥拉岛[海地和多米尼加共和国]和波多黎各; 小安的列斯群岛位于东南部, 包括维尔京群岛、利沃德群岛、温德华群岛以及委内瑞拉以北的各个小岛)。参见NETHERLANDS ANTILLES。