freer, freest
- not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes不受他人控制(或支配)的, 自由的; 无拘无束的:
I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free
我只想过快乐的无拘无束的生活, 除此之外别无他求
a free choice.
- (of a state or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government(国家、公民或机构)独立自主的, 有自由的:
a free press.
- often as complement not or no longer confined or imprisoned被解除监禁的; 被释放的:
the researchers set the birds free.
- historical not a slave〈史〉(奴隶)被释放的; 获得自由的。
- with infinitive able or permitted to take a specified action可以(或获准)做某事的:
you are free to leave.
- in names denoting an ethnic or political group actively opposing an occupying or invading force, in particular the groups that continued resisting the Germans in the Second World War after the fall of their countries
- often as complement not physically restrained, obstructed, or fixed; unimpede身体自由不受限制的; 未固定的; 不受阻碍的:
she lifted the cat free.
- Physics (of power or energy) disengaged or available【物理】(力量, 能量)自由的。参见FREE ENERGY.
- Physics & Chemistry not bound in an atom, a molecule, or a compound【物理, 化】游离的; 自由的; 单体的:
the atmosphere of that time contained virtually no free oxygen.
那个时候大气层中实际上没有单体氧。参见FREE RADICAL。
- Linguistics denoting a linguistic form that can be used in isolation【语言学】自由的。
- not subject to or constrained by engagements or obligations有空的; 空闲的:
she spent her free time shopping.
- (of a facility or piece of equipment) not occupied or in use(设施, 设备)闲置的; 不在使用的:
the bathroom was free.
- predic.
free of/from
not subject to or affected by (a specified thing, typically an undesirable one)不受(特定之事, 尤指令人不快之事)控制(或影响)的: membership is free of charge.
- given or available without charge不收费的; 免费提供的:
free health care.
- using or expending something without restraint; lavish(使用或花费某物)出手大方的; 大手大脚的; 浪费的:
she was always free with her money.
- frank or unrestrained in speech, expression, or action(讲话, 表情, 行动)直爽的; 坦率的; 不拘谨的:
he was free in his talk of revolution.
- archaic overfamiliar or forward in manner〈古〉(礼节)过于亲热的; 放肆的; 任性的。
- (of a literary style) not observing the strict laws of form(文体)不拘泥于严格格式的。
- (of a translation) conveying only the broad sense; not literal(翻译)意译的。
- Sailing (of the wind) blowing from a favourable direction to the side or aft of a vessel【航海】(风)顺的。
- without cost or payment免费地:
ladies were admitted free.
- Sailing with the sheets eased【航海】帆脚索被松开地。
- make free, in particular使自由, 尤指:
- from captivity, confinement, or slavery解放; 释放:
they were freed from jail.
- from physical obstruction, restraint, or entanglement使从障碍(或限制、缠绕)中解脱出来:
I had to tug hard and at last freed him.
我不得不用力拖, 最终把他解救出来。
- from restriction or excessive regulation使摆脱(约束, 过分严格的规定):
his inheritance freed him from financial constraints.
- from something undesirable使摆脱令人不快之事:
free your mind and body of excess tension.
- so as to become available for a particular purpose腾出使可用作:
we are freeing management time for alternative work.
for free
- informal without cost or payment〈非正式〉免费地, 无偿地:
these professionals were giving their time for free.
free and easy
- informal and relaxed随便的, 无拘无束。
free, gratis, and for nothing
- humorous without charge〈幽默〉不收费地。
a free hand
- freedom to act at one's own discretion自行处理权; 自主权; 全权; 放手干的权力。
free on board(或rail)(缩略词: f.o.b. 或f.o.r.)
- including or assuming delivery without charge to a ship or railway wagon离岸价格; 船(或火车)上交货。
(a) free rein
- 见REIN. A FREE RIDE used in reference to a situation in which someone benefits without having to make a fair contribution 占便宜; 无本获利, 白得:
people have been having a free ride, paying so little rent that there is no money for maintenance.
人们一直在占便宜, 只付很少租金以至于没有钱搞维修。
the free world
- the non-communist countries of the world, as formerly opposed to the Soviet bloc自由世界(统指以前反对苏联集团的非共产主义国家)。
it's a free country
- said when asserting that a course of action is not illegal or forbidden, often in justification of it这里是自由国家(用于声称做某事不违法或不受禁止, 常有辩解之意)。
make free with
- treat without ceremony or proper respect擅自处理; 随意对待:
he'll have something to say about your making free with his belongings.
你擅自动用他的个人财物, 他有话要说。