Franco-Prussian War
/ˈfræŋkəʊˈprʌʃən/the war of 1870-1 between France (under Napoleon Ⅲ) and Prussia, in which Prussian troops advanced into France and decisively defeated the French at Sedan. The defeat marked the end of the French Second Empire. For Prussia, the proclamation of the new German Empire at Versailles was the climax of Bismarck's ambitions to unite Germany.
普法战争(1870至1871年间拿破仑三世统治下的法国和普鲁士之间的战争, 其间普鲁士军队进军法国并在色当决定性地击败了法国; 法国战败标志着法兰西第二帝国的终结, 而就普鲁士而言, 在凡尔赛宣布成立新的德意志帝国标志着俾斯麦实现德意志统一的雄心达到了顶点)。