- a friar, sister, or lay member of a Christian religious order founded in 1209 by St Francis of Assisi or based on its rule, and noted for its preachers and missionaries方济各会修士(或修女、平信徒)。
Divergences of practice led to the separation of the Friars Minor of the Observance (the Observants) and the Friars Minor Conventual (the Conventuals) in 1517, and to the foundation of the stricter Friars Minor Capuchin (the Capuchins) in 1529. The order of Franciscan nuns was founded by St Clare (c.1212) under the direction of St Francis; they are known as 'Poor Clares'.
- of, relating to, or denoting St Francis or the Franciscans(与)圣方济各(有关)的; (与)圣方济各会修士(有关)的。
from French franciscain, from modern Latin Franciscanus, from Franciscus Francis'.