Flodden, Battle of
/ˈflɒdən/(亦作Flodden Field)
- a decisive battle of the Anglo-Scottish war of 1513, at Flodden, a hill near the Northumbrian village of Branxton. A Scottish army under James IV was defeated by a smaller but better-led English force and suffered heavy losses, including the king and most of his nobles.佛洛顿战役(英格兰和苏格兰1513年在佛洛顿进行的决定性战役, 佛洛顿是诺森伯兰郡布兰克斯顿村附近小山, 当时詹姆斯四世率领的苏格兰军队被数量小但指挥有力的英格兰军队打败并受重挫, 国王和大部分贵族阵亡)。