- (of light or a source of light) shine unsteadily; vary rapidly in brightness(光, 光源)闪烁:
the interior lights flickered, and came on.
- (of a flame) burn fitfully, alternately flaring up and dying down(火焰)摇曳, 忽隐忽现:
the candle flickered again
as adj. flickering the flickering flames of the fire.闪烁不定的火焰。
- with adverbial of place figurative (of a feeling or emotion) be experienced or show itself briefly and faintly, especially in someone's eyes〈喻〉(感觉, 感情)闪现, 闪过(尤指眼部表情):
amusement flickered briefly in his eyes.
- make small, quick movements; flutter rapidly颤动, 快速抖动:
her eyelids flickered
with complement the injured killer's eyes flickered open.受伤杀手眨了两下眼皮睁开了双眼。
- with adverbial of direction(of someone's eyes) move quickly in a particular direction in order to look at something(眼睛)快速瞥视:
her alert hazel eyes flickered around the room.
- with adverbial(of a facial expression) appear briefly(面部表情)闪现:
a look of horror flickered across his face.
- an unsteady movement of a flame or light which causes rapid variations in brightness(火焰, 光的)闪烁, 摇曳, 忽明忽暗:
the flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes.
- mass noun fluctuations in the brightness of a film or television image such as occur when the number of frames per second is too small for persistence of vision(电影或电视每秒帧数过少时的)图像闪烁。
- a tiny movement微小动作:
then a flicker of movement caught his eye.
- a faint indication of a facial expression一丝面部表情:
a flicker of a smile passed across her face.
- figurative a very brief and faint experience of an emotion or feeling〈喻〉(感情或感觉的)闪现:
she felt a small flicker of alarm.
flicker out
- (of a flame or light) die away and go out after a series of flickers(火焰, 光线)摇曳着慢慢熄灭。
- figurative (of a feeling) die away and finally disappear〈喻〉(感觉)逐渐消失:
the swift burst of curiosity and eagerness flickered out.