- with obj.(of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to fly(鸟)拍动(翅膀), 振翅:
a pheasant flapped its wings
no obj. gulls flapped around uttering their strange cries.海鸥振翅飞翔, 叫声怪异。
- no obj.(of something attached at one point or loosely fastened) flutter or wave around(附着于一点或系得不紧的东西)摆动, 飘动, 飘舞:
the sides of the tent had a tendency to flap about.
- move (one's arms or hands) up and down or to and fro挥(臂); 挥(手)。
- gesture at someone with (one's hand), especially in a dismissive way(用手)向某人示意(尤指示意退下):
Bernice flapped a hand at him in dismissal.
伯尼斯向他挥了挥手, 让他离开。
- with obj. and adverbial of direction strike or attempt to strike (something) loosely with one's hand, a cloth, or a broad implement, especially to drive it away(尤指为驱赶而用手、布或扁平物)轻击; 拍打:
they flap away the flies with peacock tails.
- wave (something, especially a cloth) around or at something or someone四下挥舞(某物, 尤指布); 朝着…挥舞(某物, 尤指布):
she flapped the duster angrily.
- no obj. informal be agitated or panicky〈非正式〉激动; 焦虑不安; 惊慌失措:
it's all right, Mother, don't flap.
没事儿的, 妈妈, 不要慌张。
- a piece of something thin, such as cloth, paper, or metal hinged or attached on one side only, that covers an opening or hangs down from something(一端固定的布条、纸或金属件等)片状垂悬物; 片状封口物:
the flap of the envelope
he pushed through the tent flap.
- a hinged or sliding section of an aircraft wing used to control lift(飞机的)襟翼:
flaps are normally moved by the hydraulics
mass noun a final approach at sixty knots with 45° of flap.襟翼45°、速度60节的进场着陆。
- a large broad mushroom伞形菇。
- Phonetics a type of consonant produced by allowing the tip of the tongue to strike the palate very briefly【语音】闪音。
- a movement of a wing or an arm from side to side or up and down(翅膀的)振动; (手臂的)挥动:
the surviving bird made a few final despairing flaps.
- in sing. the sound of something making such a movement翅膀的振动声; 手臂的挥舞声:
hear the coo of the dove, the flap of its wings.
听着鸽子的咕咕叫声, 听着它双翅的拍动声。
- in sing. informal a state of agitation; a panic〈非正式〉激动; 焦虑; 惊恐, 恐慌:
they're in a flap over who's going to take Hugh's lectures.
someone's ears are flapping
- informal someone is listening intently and in a nosy and intrusive way〈非正式〉好管闲事地无礼偷听:
your ears are flapping, Mr O'Brien!
你在偷听吧, 奥布赖恩先生。