

单词 Fischer


Fischer1, Bobby (1943-2008), American chess player; full name Robert James Fischer. He defeated Boris Spassky in 1972 to take the world championship, which he held until 1975.
费希尔, 伯比(1943-2008, 美国象棋手, 全名罗伯特·詹姆斯·费希尔, 1972年战胜伯里斯·斯帕斯基获得世界冠军, 并一直保持至1975年)。


Fischer2, Emil Hermann (1852-1919), German organic chemist. He studied the structure of sugars, other carbohydrates, and purines, and synthesized many of them. He also confirmed that peptides and proteins consist of chains of amino acids. Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1902).
费歇尔, 埃米尔·赫尔曼(1852-1919, 德国有机化学家, 研究食糖的结构、其他糖类及嘌呤, 并合成了这些物质中的许多种; 他还证实了缩氨酸和蛋白质由氨基酸链构成; 1902年获诺贝尔化学奖)。


/ˈfɪʃə(r), 〈德〉 ˈfɪʃɐ/
Fischer3, Hans (1881-1945), German organic chemist. He determined the structure of the porphyrin group of many natural pigments, including the red oxygen-carrying part of haemoglobin, the green chlorophyll pigments found in plants, and the orange bile pigment bilirubin. Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1930).
费歇尔, 汉斯(1881-1945, 德国有机化学家, 确定了许多天然色素的卟啉基结构, 其中包括红色的血红蛋白的带氧部分、发现于植物中的绿色的叶绿素色素、橙色的胆色素胆红素; 1930年获诺贝尔化学奖)。




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