- take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons打架, 斗殴:
the men were fighting
they fight with other children.
- with obj. engage in (a war or battle)打(仗), 参(战):
there was another war to fight
no obj. those who had fought for King and country.那些为国王和祖国而战的人。
- with obj. archaic command, manage, or manoeuvre (troops, a ship, or military equipment) in battle〈古〉指挥, 调遣(部队或军舰、军事设备)作战:
General Hill fights his troops well.
- quarrel or argue争论, 争吵, 斗嘴:
she didn't want to fight with her mother all the time.
- with obj. struggle to put out (a fire, especially a large one)奋力灭(火, 尤指大火):
two appliances raced to the scene to fight the blaze.
- with obj. endeavour vigorously to win (an election or other contest)奋力赢得(选举, 比赛)。
- campaign determinedly for or against something, especially to put right what one considers unfair or unjust(为纠正不公平或非正义的事而)斗争, 奋斗:
I will fight for a fairer society.
- with obj. struggle or campaign against (something)同…斗争; 反对:
a churchman who has dedicated his life to fighting racism.
- with obj. attempt to repress (a feeling or an expression of a feeling)克制, 抑制, 压制(情感, 情感的表露):
she had to fight back tears of frustration.
- (of two or more parties) quarrel or disagree(双方, 多方)失和, 意见不合:
they were fighting over who pays the bill.
- with obj. take part in a boxing match against (an opponent)与(对手)进行拳击比赛:
McCracken will fight Sheffield's Martin Smith
no obj. I've earned the right to fight for the world title.我已获得争夺拳击世界冠军的权利。
fight one's way
move forward with difficulty, especially by pushing through a crowd or overcoming physical obstacles奋力前进; 挤出一条路:she watched him fight his way across the room.
- a violent confrontation or struggle斗殴, 打架:
I had a fight with my brother.
- a boxing match拳击赛。
- a battle or war战斗; 战争:
Britain might have given up her fight against Germany.
- a vigorous struggle or campaign for or against something斗争, 抗争:
a long fight against cancer.
- an argument or quarrel争吵, 斗嘴。
- mass noun the inclination or ability to fight or struggle好斗性; 斗志; 战斗力:
Ginny felt the fight trickle out of her.
fight fire with fire
- use the weapons or tactics of one's enemy or opponent, even if one finds them distasteful以火攻火, 以牙还牙。
fight a losing battle
- be fated to fail in one's efforts徒劳无益, 白费力气:
he was fighting a losing battle to stem the tears.
fight shy of
- be unwilling to undertake or become involved with不愿承担(或介入); 逃避, 想避开:
many women fight shy of motherhood for one reason or another.
make a fight of it
- put up a spirited show of resistance in a fight or contest奋力抵抗:
United certainly made a fight of it in the second half.
毫无疑问, 联队在下半场进行了奋力抵抗。
fight or flight
- the instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away(在危急情况下生理上作出的本能的)“要么反抗, 要么逃走”反应。
put up a fight
- offer resistance to an attack进行反抗。
fight back
- counter-attack or retaliate in a fight, struggle, or contest还击, 反击。
fight it out
- settle a dispute by fighting or competing aggressively以战斗(或竞争)的方式解决争端, 一决雌雄:
they fought it out with a tug-of-war.
fight someone/thing off
- defend oneself against an attack by someone or something击退(某人或某事物); 竭力摆脱:
well-fed people are better able to fight off infectious disease.