- a deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement, especially in boxing or fencing(尤指拳击、击剑的)虚击; 佯攻:
a brief feint at the opponent's face.
- a mock attack or movement in warfare, made in order to distract or deceive an enemy(战争中的)声东击西, 佯攻。
no obj., with adverbial of direction
1- make a deceptive or distracting movement, especially during a fight(尤指拳击赛时)虚击; 佯:
he feinted left, drawing a punch and slipping it.
他向左虚晃一招, 引来了对方的出拳并躲过了那一击。
- with obj. and adverbial of direction pretend to throw a (punch or blow) in order to deceive or distract an opponent装作出(拳); 佯(攻); 佯(击):
'You would, would you?' said Bob, feinting punches back at them.
“你们会的, 对吧?”鲍勃说, 同时做着向他们回击的手势。
late 17th cent.: from French feinte, past participle (used as a noun) of feindre 'feign'.