Falkland Islands
/ˈfɔːlklənd/(亦作the Falklands)
- a group of islands in the South Atlantic, forming a British overseas territory; pop. 3,100 (est. 2008); capital, Stanley (on East Falkland).福克兰群岛(南大西洋一群岛, 英国的直辖殖民地, 2008年估计人口3,100, 首府斯坦利位于东福克兰岛上)。
The group consists of two main islands and over a hundred smaller ones, about 500 km (300 miles) east of the Strait of Magellan. The Falklands were occupied and colonized by Britain in 1832-3, following the expulsion of an Argentinian garrison. Argentina refused to recognize British sovereignty and continues to refer to the islands by their old Spanish name, the Malvinas.