in sing.
1- informal, chiefly Brit. a tiring or unwelcome task〈非正式, 主英〉累活, 苦差事:
it's too much of a fag to drive all the way there and back again.
一路开车去又开车回来, 实在是件苦差使。
- Brit. a junior pupil at a public school who works and runs errands for a senior pupil〈英〉(英国公学中)供高年级学生差遣的低年级学生。
fagged, fagging
no obj. Brit. informal work hard, especially at a tedious job or task〈英, 非正式〉辛勤工作(尤指做冗长乏味的事):he didn't have to fag away in a lab to get the right answer.
- Brit. (of a public-school pupil) work and run errands for a senior pupil〈英〉(公学学生)供高年级学生使唤:
the lower boys in each house fagged for members of the Library.
mid 16th cent. (as a verb in the sense 'grow weary'): of unknown origin. Compare with FLAG1 .