- mass noun comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight荫; 阴凉处:
sitting in the shade
this area will be in shade for much of the day.
- the darker part of a picture(图画中的)暗处。
- (一般作 shades)poetic/literary a shadow or area of darkness〈诗/文〉阴影; 阴暗处:
the shades of evening drew on.
- figurative a position of relative inferiority or obscurity〈喻〉次要地位, 不显眼; 默默无闻:
her elegant pink and black ensemble would put most outfits in the shade.
- historical a portrait in silhouette〈史〉剪影。
- a colour, especially with regard to how light or dark it is or as distinguished from one nearly like it(色彩的)深浅浓淡:
various shades of blue
mass noun Maria's eyes darkened in shade.玛丽娅的眼光稍稍暗淡了一点。
- Art a slight degree of difference between colours【艺术】色度。
- a slightly differing variety of something形形色色; 细微差别:
politicians of all shades of opinion.
- in sing. a slight amount of something略微, 少量:
the goal had more than a shade of good fortune about it.
- a lampshade灯罩。
- (常作 shades)N. Amer. a screen or blind on a window〈北美〉遮阳窗帘。
- an eyeshade(遮光)眼罩, 眼遮。
informal sunglasses〈非正式〉太阳镜, 墨镜。
- poetic/literary a ghost〈诗/文〉鬼, 幽灵。
the Shades
the underworld; Hades地狱, 冥府。
- screen from direct light为…遮阳; 为…挡光:
she shaded her eyes against the sun.
- cover, moderate, or exclude the light of遮…的光, 挡…的光:
he shaded the torch with his hand.
- darken or colour (an illustration or diagram) with parallel pencil lines or a block of colour(用铅笔或加色)涂黑, 描黑; 描影:
she shaded in the outline of a chimney.
- no obj., with adverbial(of a colour or something coloured) gradually change into another colour(色彩)渐变:
the sky shaded from turquoise to night blue.
- informal narrowly win or gain an advantage in (a contest)〈非正式〉(比赛)稍胜一筹; 略占优势:
the Welsh side shaded a tight, tough first half.
- make a slight reduction in the amount, rate, or price of(数量、速度或价格)略降:
banks may shade the margin over base rate they charge customers.
- no obj. decline slightly in price, amount, or rate(价格、数量或速度)略有下降:
with complement their shares shaded 10p to 334p.他们的股票下降了10便士, 跌至334便士。
a shade -
- a little有点, 略微:
he was a shade hung-over.
shades of -
- used to suggest reminiscence of or comparison with someone or something specified使人联想起; 使人与…相比:
colleges were conducting campaigns to ban Jewish societies - shades of Nazi Germany.
许多大学正在发起运动, 取缔犹太社团——使人联想起纳粹德国。