- the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal脸, 面孔。
- the face as expressing emotion; an expression shown on the face面容; 表情; 脸色:
the happy faces of these children.
- a manifestation or aspect of something展示; 方面:
the unacceptable face of social drinking.
- with adj. a person conveying a particular quality or association(具有某种特质或引发某种联想的)人:
this season's squad has a lot of old faces in it.
- the surface of a thing, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function, in particular(呈现出来的或有特定功能的物体的)面, 表面, 尤指:
- Geometry each of the surfaces of a solid【几何】(立方体的)面。
- a vertical or sloping side of a mountain or cliff(山或悬崖的)陡坡, 斜坡:
the north face of the Eiger.
- the side of a planet or moon facing the observer(行星或月球面对观测者的)面。
- the front of a building(建筑物的)正面。
- the plate of a clock or watch bearing the digits or hands(钟或手表的)面。
- the distinctive side of a playing card(扑克牌的)正面。
- the obverse of a coin(硬币的)正面。
- be positioned with the face or front towards (someone or something)面朝, 面向, 正对:
he turned to face her.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction have the face or front pointing in a specified direction向, 朝:
the house faces due east.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction(of a soldier) turn in a particular direction(士兵)朝特定方向转身:
the men had faced about to the front.
- confront and deal with or accept正视, 面对; 对付; 接受:
honesty forced her to face facts
no obj. we must face up to the global impacts of our extravagant lifestyles.我们必须勇敢面对奢华生活方式带来的全球性影响。
- (face someone/thing down) overcome someone or something by a show of determination(坚定地)降服, 挫败:
he climbed atop a tank to face down a coup.
- have (a difficult event or situation) in prospect面临(难事, 困境):
each defendant faced a maximum sentence of 10 years.
- (of a problem or difficult situation) present itself to and require action from (someone)(难题, 困境)直逼(某人), 使直面(或正视):
if you were suddenly faced with an emergency, would you know how to cope?
如果你突然面对紧急情况, 你知道怎样对付吗?
- (一般作 be faced with)cover the surface of (a thing) with a layer of a different material(用不同的材料层)涂抹, 覆盖:
the external basement walls were faced with granite slabs.
face down(或 downwards)
- with the face or surface turned towards the ground脸朝下地; 正面朝下地:
he lay face down on his bed.
someone's face fits
- Brit. someone has the necessary qualities for something〈英〉某人合格, 某人具有必要的资质:
if your face didn't fit they could get rid of you within twelve months.
如果你不合格, 他们就会在12个月内解雇你。
face the music
- be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of one's actions对自己的行为承担后果, 对自己的行为负责。
the face of the earth
- used for emphasis or exaggeration, to refer to the existence or disappearance of someone or something[用于强调或夸张, 表示人或物的存在或消失]地球上:
he's just disappeared off the face of the earth
the most gruelling training on the face of the earth.
face up(或 upwards)
- with the face or surface turned upwards to view脸朝上地; 正面朝上地:
place the panel face up before cutting.
将面板的正面朝上放, 然后切割。
get out of someone's face
- usu. as imperative N. Amer. informal stop harassing or annoying someone〈北美, 非正式〉别再来烦某人。
have the face to do something
- dated have the effrontery to do something〈旧〉厚颜无耻地做某事。
in one's face
- directly at or against one; as one approaches针对某人; 当某人走近时:
she slammed the door in my face.
in face (或 the face)
- of when confronted with在…面前, 面对:
her resolution in the face of the enemy.
- despite不顾:
reform had been introduced in the face of considerable opposition.
尽管有许多反对意见, 还是实行了改革。
in your face
lose face
- suffer a loss of respect; be humiliated丢脸; 蒙羞。
loss of face
- a loss of respect; humiliation丢脸; 蒙羞:
he could step aside now without loss of face.
make(或 pull)a face(或 faces)
- produce an expression on one's face that shows dislike, disgust, or some other negative emotion, or that is intended to be amusing做鬼脸, 做怪相:
Anna pulled a funny face at the girl.
off one's face
- informal very drunk or under the influence of illegal drugs〈非正式〉酩酊大醉的; (因吸毒而)飘飘然的:
I had a great time going out clubbing and getting off my face.
我去夜总会玩了, 喝得醉醉的, 玩得非常愉快。
on the face of it
- without knowing all of the relevant facts; at first glance乍一看; 从表面看:
on the face of it, these improvements look to be insignificant.
put a brave (或 bold 或 good)face on something
- act as if something unpleasant or upsetting is not as bad as it really is对某事装出一副若无其事的样子:
he was putting a brave face on it but she knew he was shattered.
虽然他强颜欢笑, 但她知道他是心烦意乱。
put one's face on
- informal apply make-up to one's face〈非正式〉化妆。
save face
- retain respect; avoid humiliation保全面子; 避免蒙羞。
save someone's face
- enable someone to retain respect or avoid humiliation使某人保全面子; 使某人不至丢脸。
set one's face against
- oppose or resist with determination坚决反对(或抵制):
the Council had set its face against planning consent for a heliport.
throw something back in someone's face
- reject something in a brusque or ungracious manner粗暴地拒绝某事:
she'd given him her trust and he'd thrown it back in her face.
她信任他, 但他却毫不领情。
to one's face
- openly in one's presence当着某人的面:
accusing me to my face of having chickened out.
face off
- chiefly N. Amer. take up an attitude of confrontation, especially at the start of a fight or game〈主北美〉(尤指战斗或比赛开始时)对峙; 对抗:
close to a million soldiers face off in the desert.
- Ice Hockey start play with a face-off【冰球】开球。