/ˈtsvɪŋlɪ/- Zwingli, Ulrich (1484-1531), Swiss Protestant reformer, the principal figure of the Swiss Reformation. He rejected papal authority and many orthodox doctrines, and although he had strong local support in Zurich, his ideas met with fierce resistance in some regions. Zwingli was killed in the civil war that resulted from his reforms.茨温利, 乌尔里希(1484-1531, 瑞士新教改革家, 瑞士宗教改革运动的主要人物; 否认罗马教廷权威和许多正统教条, 在苏黎世得到地方大力支持, 但在一些地区其思想遭到强烈反对; 后死于其改革引发的内战中)。