Anne, Princess,
- Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, the Princess Royal (b. 1950), daughter of Elizabeth II. She is a skilled horsewoman (riding for Great Britain in the 1976 Olympics) and is president of Save the Children Fund. Her two children are Peter (b. 1977) and Zara Philips (b. 1981), by her former husband Captain Mark Philips.安妮公主(大公主安妮·伊丽莎白·艾丽斯·路易斯, 生于1950年, 伊丽莎白二世之女, 是技艺精湛的女骑师, 曾代表英国参加1976年奥运会比赛, 又任拯救儿童基金会会长, 和前夫马克·菲利普斯上尉生有一子一女: 彼得·菲利普斯[生于1977年]和扎拉·菲利普斯[生于1981年])。