(1665-1714) , queen of England and Scotland (known as Great Britain from 1707) and Ireland 1702-14. The last of the Stuart monarchs, daughter of the Catholic James Ⅱ (but herself a Protestant), she succeeded her brother-in-law William Ⅲ to the throne. None of her children survived into adulthood, and by the Act of Settlement (1701) the throne passed to the House of Hanover on her death.
安妮(1665-1714, 英格兰和苏格兰[1707年后统称大不列颠]及爱尔兰女王[1702-1714], 斯图亚特王朝的最后一代君主, 天主教教徒詹姆斯二世之女, 但本人信奉新教; 她继承姐夫威廉三世的王位, 因子女均夭折, 去世后, 王位根据1701年的《王位继承法》传给了汉诺威王朝)。