Yeats, W. B. (1865-1939), Irish poet and dramatist; full name William Butler Yeats. His play The Countess Cathleen (1892) and his collection of stories The Celtic Twilight (1893) stimulated Ireland's theatrical, cultural, and literary revival. Notable poetry: The Tower (1928), containing 'Sailing to Byzantium'and 'Leda and the Swan', and The Winding Stair (1929). Nobel Prize for Literature (1923)
叶芝, W·B(1865-1939, 爱尔兰诗人、剧作家, 全名威廉·巴特勒·叶芝; 其剧作《凯瑟琳伯爵夫人》[1892]和短篇故事集《凯尔特的曙光》[1893]推动了爱尔兰的戏剧、文化和文学的复兴; 诗歌代表作:《钟楼》[1928]和《盘旋的楼梯》[1929], 前者包括《拜占庭之航》和《勒达与天鹅》等诗篇; 获1923年诺贝尔文学奖)。