- (in the Bible) a woman chosen on account of her beauty by the Persian king Ahasuerus (generally supposed to be Xerxes I) to be his queen. She used her influence with him to save the Israelites in captivity from persecution.《圣经》以斯帖(由于貌美, 被波斯国王亚哈随鲁[一般认为就是薛西斯一世]选为王后, 她利用自己对国王的影响力使被俘的以色列人免受迫害)。
- a book of the Bible containing an account of these events; a part survives only in Greek and is included in the Apocrypha.《以斯帖记》(《圣经》中包含以斯帖上述事情内容的一卷; 其中的一部分仅存于希腊语文本中, 收录于《次经》中)。