/wɜːld/- (一般作the world)the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features世界, 地球, 天下(指地球以及地球上的国家、民族和自然要素):
he was doing his bit to save the world.
the world
all of the people, societies, and institutions on the earth世界, 天下(指地球上的人民、社会和机构):as modifier world affairs.世界事务。
- as modifier denoting one of the most important or influential people or things of its class世界(表示同类中最重要或最有影响力的人、物):
they had been brought up to regard Britain as a world power.
- another planet like the earth像地球的星球, 似地球的天体:
the possibility of life on other worlds.
- a part or aspect of human life or of the natural features of the earth, in particular世界, 界, 领域; 尤指:
- a region or group of countries地区, 国家:
the English-speaking world.
- a period of history历史时期:
the ancient world.
- a group of living things生物界, 万物:
the animal world.
- the people, places, and activities to do with a particular thing界, 领域:
they were a legend in the world of British theatre.
- human and social interaction社会生活, 社会交往:
he has almost completely withdrawn from the world
how inexperienced she is in the ways of the world.
在人情世故上, 她是多么生嫩啊。
one's world
a person's life and activities人生, 一世:he felt his whole world had collapsed.
- in sing. a stage of human life, either mortal or after death人世; 今生; 来世:
in this world and the next.
- secular interests and affairs尘世, 世俗; 世事, 世情:
parents are not viewed as the primary educators of their own children, either in the world or in the Church.
无论在世事还是宗教信仰上, 父母并不被视为孩子的启蒙老师。
be not long for this world
- have only a short time to live不久于人世。
the best of both(或all possible)worlds
- the benefits of widely differing situations, enjoyed at the same time两头受益, 左右逢源。
bring someone into the world
- give birth to or assist at the birth of someone生孩子; 接生。
come into the world
- be born出生, 降生。
come up(或go down)in the world
- rise (or drop) in status, especially by becoming richer (or poorer)发迹, 飞黄腾达(或衰落, 落魄)。
in the world
- used for emphasis in questions, especially to express astonishment or disbelief竟然, 到底, 究竟(用作疑问句的强调形式, 表示惊讶、不信等):
why in the world did you not reveal yourself sooner?
look for all the world like
- look precisely like (used for emphasis)[用作强调]看起来简直一模一样:
fossil imprints that look for all the world like motorcycle tracks.
man(或woman)of the world
- a person who is experienced in the ways of sophisticated society老于世故的人。
not do something for the world
- not do something whatever the inducement决不, 无论如何不:
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
out of this world
- informal extremely enjoyable or impressive〈非正式〉十全十美的, 好得不可思议的:
a herb and lemon dressing that's out of this world.
see the world
- travel widely and gain wide experience见多识广, 久经世故。
think the world of
- have a very high regard for (someone)非常看重, 十分钦佩(某人):
I thought the world of my father.
the world and his wife
- Brit. a large number of people; everybody〈英〉许多人; 各色人等; 所有的人:
now all the world and his wife seems to have heard of them.
the world, the flesh, and the devil
- all forms of temptation to sin物质享受、肉欲与魔鬼(指造成人类罪孽的各种诱惑)。
a(或the)world of
- a very great deal of无数, 大量, 许多:
there's a world of difference between being alone and being lonely.
(all) the world over
- everywhere on the earth遍布全球, 遍及全世界。
worlds apart
- very different or distant天壤之别; 天各一方。