Erasmus, Desiderius (c.1469-1536), Dutch humanist and scholar; Dutch name Gerhard Gerhards. He was the foremost Renaissance scholar of northern Europe, paving the way for the Reformation with his satires on the Church, including the Colloquia Familiaria (1518). However, he opposed the violence of the Reformation and condemned Luther in De Libero Arbitrio (1523).
伊拉斯谟, 德西德里斯(约1469-1536, 荷兰人文主义者和学者; 荷兰语名为格哈德·格哈兹, 是北欧最重要的文艺复兴学者, 对教会的讽刺作品包括《家常谈》[1518], 为宗教改革铺平了道路; 不过, 他反对在宗教改革中使用武力, 并在其《自由抉择》[1523]中对路德进行了谴责)。