Equatorial Guinea
- a small country of West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, comprising several offshore islands and a coastal settlement between Cameroon and Gabon; pop. 633,400 (est. 2009); languages, Spanish (official), local Niger-Congo languages, pidgin; capital, Malabo (on the island of Bioko). Formerly a Spanish colony, the country became fully independent in 1968. It is the only independent Spanish-speaking state in the continent of Africa.赤道几内亚(西非几内亚湾地区的一个小国, 由几个近海岛屿和位于喀麦隆与加蓬之间的一个沿海地带组成, 2009年估计人口633,400; 所用语言有:官方语言西班牙语, 尼日尔-刚果语群诸语言以及混杂语, 首都马拉博位于比奥科岛; 该国原为西班牙殖民地, 1968年完全独立; 该国是非洲大陆唯一讲西班牙语的独立国家)。