mass noun
- an ancient school of philosophy, founded in Athens by Epicurus. The school rejected determinism and advocated hedonism (pleasure as the highest good), but of a restrained kind: mental pleasure was regarded more highly than physical, and the ultimate pleasure was held to be freedom from anxiety and mental pain, especially that arising from needless fear of death and of the gods.伊壁鸠鲁学说(该学说摒弃决定论, 宣扬享乐主义, 即快乐至上, 但这种享乐主义是有限制的:认为精神愉悦高于身体愉悦, 最高的愉悦是没有烦恼和精神痛苦, 尤其是那种由于对死亡和神的不必要的恐惧而产生的烦恼和精神上的痛苦)。