- feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable; want something that cannot or probably will not happen希望, 但愿; 想要:
we wished for peace
with clause he wished that he had practised the routines.他希望他要是早就练习了那些常规动作就好了。
- silently invoke such a hope or desire, especially in a ritualized way(尤指以某种仪式方式)许愿, 默默盼祷:
I closed my eyes and wished.
- with infinitive feel or express a desire to do something想要, 企求, 盼望:
they wish to become involved.
- with obj. and infinitive ask (someone) to do something or that (something) be done要求(某人)做某事:
I wish it to be clearly understood.
- with two objs express a desire for (the success or good fortune) of (someone)祝(某人)(成功, 好运), 祝愿:
they wish her every success.
- with obj.
wish something on
hope that something unpleasant will happen to希望不愉快之事降临于: I would not wish it on the vilest soul.
- a desire or hope for something to happen希望, 愿望:
the union has reiterated its wish for an agreement
with infinitive it is their wish to continue organizing similar exhibitions.能继续组织类似的展览会是他们的愿望。
- (一般作wishes)an expression of such a desire, typically in the form of a request or instruction请求, 要求:
she must carry out her late father's wishes.
- an invocation or recitation of a hope or desire愿, 愿望:
he makes a wish.
- (一般作wishes)an expression of a desire for someone's success or good fortune祝愿, 祝词:
they had received kindness and good wishes from total strangers.
- a thing or event that is or has been desired; an object of desire希望的事; 想要的东西:
the petitioners eventually got their wish.
if wishes were horses, beggars would ride
- proverb if you could achieve your aims simply by wishing for them, life would be very easy〈谚〉如果愿望是匹马, 乞丐也能有马骑; 如果你能仅仅通过愿望来实现目标, 生活将非常容易。
wish someone well
- feel or express a desire for someone's well-being祝某人身体健康。
the wish is father to the thought
- proverb we believe a thing because we wish it to be true〈谚〉愿望是思想之父; 希望什么就相信什么。