- with obj. resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem)解决(问题); 达成(协议); 结束(争论):
every effort was made to settle the dispute.
- end (a legal dispute) by mutual agreement(通过相互达成协议)结束(法律纠纷), 调解:
the matter was settled out of court
no obj. he sued for libel and then settled out of court.他以诽谤罪起诉, 后来私下了结了。
- determine; decide on确定; 决定:
exactly what goes into the legislation has not been settled
no obj. they had not yet settled on a date for the wedding.他们还没有确定结婚日期。
- pay (a debt or account)结清(债务, 账目):
his bill was settled by charge card
no obj. I settled up with your brother for my board and lodging.我的食宿费用已经和你兄弟结清了。
settle something on
give money or property to (someone) through a deed of settlement or a will(通过契约或遗嘱)赠予, 转让(钱, 财产)。
- no obj.
settle for
accept or agree to (something that one considers to be less than satisfactory)(无可奈何地)接受(或答应): it was too cold for champagne so they settled for a cup of tea.
天太冷, 喝香槟不合适, 所以他们只好喝了杯茶。
- dated silence (someone considered a nuisance) by some means〈旧〉(以某种方式让讨厌者)住嘴:
he told me to hold my tongue or he would find a way to settle me.
他叫我不要说了, 否则就会想法让我闭嘴。
- no obj. adopt a more steady or secure style of life, especially in a permanent job and home安定, 安顿(尤指有固定工作和住所):
one day I will settle down and raise a family.
- with adverbial of place make one's permanent home somewhere定居:
in 1863 the family settled in London.
- begin to feel comfortable or established in a new home, situation, or job(在新的家里或新的环境中、新的工作岗位上)渐渐感到自在, 安下心来; 安顿下来:
she settled in happily with a foster family
he had settled into his new job.
- with obj. establish a colony in在…建殖民地; 移居于, 殖民于:
European immigrants settled much of Australia.
settle down to
turn one's attention to; apply oneself to将注意力转到; 开始专注于:Catherine settled down to her studies.
- become or make calmer or quieter(使)平静(或镇定)下来:
no obj. after a few months the controversy settled down数月后争端平息了
with obj. try to settle your puppy down before going to bed.睡前要让你的小狗安定下来。
- no obj., with adverbial of place sit or come to rest in a comfortable position舒舒服服地坐下(或休息起来):
he settled into an armchair.
- with obj. and adverbial of place make (someone) comfortable in a particular place or position使(某人)安顿下来:
she allowed him to settle her in the taxi.
- with obj. move or adjust (something) so that it rests securely把(某物)安放好:
she settled her bag on her shoulder.
- fall or come down on to a surface降落; 停留:
dust from the mill had settled on the roof.
- no obj.(of suspended particles) sink slowly in a liquid to form sediment; (of a liquid) become clear or still through this process(悬浮的微粒)沉淀; (液体因杂质沉淀)变得清澈(或静止):
sediment settles near the bottom of the tank
he watched his pint settling.
- no obj.(of an object or objects) gradually sink down under its or their own weight(物体在其自身的重量下)沉降:
they listened to the soft ticking and creaking as the house settled.
- no obj.(of a ship) begin to sink(船)开始下沉。
settle one's affairs(或estate)
- make any necessary arrangements, such as writing a will, before one's death(死亡前)安排后事。
settle someone's hash
- 见HASH1.