mass noun
1- an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice葡萄酒。
- with modifier an alcoholic drink made from the fermented juice of specified other fruits or plants果酒, 酒:
a glass of elderflower wine.
with obj.(wine and dine someone)
1- entertain someone by offering them drinks or a meal以酒菜款待某人:
members of Congress have been lavishly wined and dined by lobbyists for years.
多年来, 说客们用丰盛的酒菜款待着议员们。
- no obj.(of a person) take part in such entertainment(人)吃喝:
we wined and dined with Edwin's and Bernard's friends.
good wine needs no bush
- proverb there's no need to advertise or boast about something of good quality as people will always discover its merits〈谚〉酒好客自来。
wine, women, and song
- the hedonistic life of drinking, sexual pleasure, and carefree entertainment proverbially required by men美酒、女人和歌舞(指如谚语所云, 男人所要的享乐主义生活方式——美酒、性愉悦和寻欢作乐)。
- ORIGIN: proverbial; compare with the anonymous couplet (found in the Luther room at Wartburg) Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib und Gesang Der bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang 'Who loves not wine, woman, and song, He is a fool his whole life long'.
Old English wīn, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch wijn, German Wein, based on Latin vinum.