with obj.
1- omit (a sound or syllable) when speaking省略(某音或音节):
as adj. elided the indication of elided consonants or vowels.辅音或元音省略的标示。
- join together; merge把…连接在一起; 合并, 融合:
whole periods of time are elided into a few seconds of screen
no obj. the two things elided in his mind.两件事在他心里合二为一了。
The standard meaning of the verb elide is 'omit', most frequently used as a term to describe the way that some sounds or syllables are dropped in speech, as for example in contractions such as I'll or he's. The result of such omission (or elision) is that the two surrounding syllables are merged; this fact has given rise to a new sense, with the meaning 'join together; merge', as in the two things elided in his mind. This new sense is now common in general use.
mid 16th cent. (in the sense 'annul, do away with', chiefly as a Scots legal term): from Latin elidere 'crush out', from e- (variant of ex-) 'out' + laedere 'to dash'.