- a circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move over the ground轮; 车轮。
- a circular object that revolves on an axle and forms part of a machine机轮。
the wheel
used in reference to the cycle of a specified condition or set of events轮:the final release from the wheel of life.
the wheel
historical a large wheel used as an instrument of punishment or torture, especially by binding someone to it and breaking their limbs〈史〉(用于牵拉或分裂肢体的)轮式刑车:a man sentenced to be broken on the wheel.
- a machine or structure having a wheel as its essential part轮式机械(或器具)。
the wheel
a steering wheel (used in reference to driving or steering a vehicle or vessel)舵轮; 驾驶盘; 方向盘:his crew know when he wants to take the wheel.
- a device with a revolving disc or drum used in various games of chance轮盘(一种旋转的赌具)。
- a system, or a part of a system, regarded as a relentlessly moving machine系统, 机构; 部门:
the wheels of justice.
informal a car〈非正式〉汽车:she's got wheels now.
- a thing resembling a wheel in form or function, in particular a cheese made in the form of a shallow disc轮状物(尤指整圆干酪)。
- an instance of wheeling; a turn or rotation旋转; 回旋。
- a set of short lines, typically five in number and rhyming, concluding the stanza of a poem(诗歌等的)叠句。
- with obj. push or pull (a vehicle with wheels)推, 拉(带轮运输工具):
the tea trolley was wheeled out.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction carry (someone or something) in or on a vehicle with wheels用车运:
a young woman is wheeled into the operating theatre.
wheel something in/on/out
informal produce something that is unimpressive because it has been frequently seen or heard before〈非正式〉老调重弹:the old journalistic arguments have been wheeled out.
- no obj.(of a bird or aircraft) fly in a wide circle or curve(鸟, 飞机)盘旋:
the birds wheeled and dived.
- turn round quickly so as to face another way迅速转身, 迅速转向:
Robert wheeled round to see the face of Mr Mafouz.
- turn or seem to turn on an axis or pivot旋转, 围绕:
the stars wheeled through the sky.
on someone's wheel
- close behind someone when they are driving or cycling紧跟某人车后。
on wheels
- by, or travelling by, car or bicycle开车旅行, 骑车旅行:
a journey on wheels.
- (of a service) brought to one's home or district; mobile(服务)上门的, 流动的。
- Brit. informal smoothly〈英, 非正式〉顺利地:
the business ran on wheels.
- Brit. informal used to emphasize one's distaste or dislike of the person or thing mentioned〈英, 非正式〉(用于强调厌恶某人)该死的:
she was a bitch on wheels.
silly as a wheel
- Austral. very silly〈澳〉极其愚蠢的, 笨的。
wheel and deal
- engage in commercial or political scheming, especially unscrupulously(在商界或政界)耍手腕, 玩弄计谋, 操纵:
as noun wheeling and dealing the wheeling and dealing of the Wall Street boom years.华尔街兴盛年间的尔虞我诈。
the wheel of Fortune
- the wheel which the deity Fortune is fabled to turn as a symbol of random luck or change(象征人生浮沉的)命运转盘; 人生的变迁。
wheels within wheels
- used to indicate that a situation is complicated and affected by secret or indirect influences错综复杂的情况。