- Einstein, Albert (1879-1955), German-born American theoretical physicist, founder of the special and general theories of relativity爱因斯坦, 阿尔伯特(1879-1955, 生于德国的美国理论物理学家, 特殊与一般相对论的奠基人)。
- as noun an Einstein a genius天才人物。
Einstein is often regarded as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. In 1905 he published his special theory of relativity and in 1915 he succeeded in incorporating gravitation in his general theory of relativity, which was vindicated when one of its predictions was observed during the solar eclipse of 1919. However, Einstein searched without success for a unified field theory embracing electromagnetism, gravitation, relativity, and quantum mechanics. He influenced the decision to build an atom bomb but after the war he spoke out passionately against nuclear weapons.