a region west of the River Jordan and north-west of the Dead Sea; pop.2,461,300 (est. 2009). It contains Jericho, Hebron, Nablus, Bethlehem, and other settlements. It became part of Jordan in 1948 and was occupied by Israel following the Six Day War of 1967. In 1993 an agreement was signed which granted limited autonomy to the Palestinians, who comprise 97 per cent of its inhabitants; withdrawal of Israeli troops began in 1994 but conflict in the area continues.
西岸(约旦河以西和死海西北地区; 2009年估计人口2,461, 000; 该地区包括杰里科、希伯伦、纳布卢斯、伯利恒和其他定居点; 1948年成为约旦的一部分, 1967年六日战争之后被以色列占领; 1993年签订的一项协议同意占该地区居民97%的巴勒斯坦人实行有限自治, 1994年以色列军队开始撤出, 但该地区的冲突仍在继续)。