- absence of difficulty or effort容易, 不费力:
she gave up smoking with ease
ease of use.
- absence of rigidity or discomfort; poise自在, 不拘谨; 舒适; 沉着, 镇定:
I was always vexed by her self-contained ease.
- freedom from worries or problems, especially about one's material situation(尤指物质条件的)安逸, 悠闲:
a life of wealth and ease.
- with obj. make (something unpleasant, painful, or intense) less serious or severe减轻, 缓和, 缓解:
a huge road-building programme to ease congestion.
- no obj. become less serious or severe减轻; 缓和; 放松:
the pain doesn't usually ease off for several hours.
- no obj.
ease off/up
relax one's efforts; do something with more moderation放松努力, 松劲; 较缓和地进行: I'd ease up on the hard stuff if I were you.
如果我是你, 我会慢慢地停止服用硬毒品。
- make (something) happen more easily; facilitate使容易; 使便利:
Tokyo's dominance of government was deemed to ease efficient contact-making.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction move carefully, gradually, or gently小心缓慢地移动:
I eased down the slope with care
with obj. and adverbial of direction she eased off her shoes.她轻轻地脱了鞋。
- with obj.
ease someone into
introduce someone gradually to (an activity)逐渐引导某人熟悉(某活动): he brought in someone new and eased them into the job.
他带来了一些新人, 并逐渐引导他们入行。
- with obj.
ease someone out
gradually exclude someone from a post or place, especially by devious or subtle manoeuvres(尤指用狡诈的手段)迫使某人离开: after the scandal he was eased out of his job.
丑闻发生后, 他被迫弃职而去。
ease something away/down/off
Nautical slacken a rope or sail slowly or gently【航海】松开(绳索或帆)。
- no obj.(of share prices, interest rates, etc.) decrease in value or amount(股票价格、利率等)下降, 下跌; (数量)减少:
shares eased 6p to 224p.
股票下跌6便士, 跌至224便士。
at (one's) ease
- free from worry, awkwardness, or problems; relaxed安适; 不窘迫, 不拘束; 放松, 自在:
she was never quite at ease with Phil.
at ease
Military in a relaxed attitude with the feet apart and the hands behind the back (often as a command)【军】[常用作口令]稍息; 稍息姿势:all right, stand at ease!
ease someone's mind
- alleviate someone's anxiety安慰某人, 使某人宽心。