- be carried slowly by a current of air or water飘; 漂流:
the cabin cruiser started to drift downstream
figurative 〈喻〉excited voices drifted down the hall.
- with adverbial of direction(of a person) walk slowly, aimlessly, or casually(人)随便(或无目的地)慢慢走动:
people began to drift away.
- with adverbial move passively, aimlessly, or involuntarily into a certain situation or condition任其自然地(或不知不觉地)进入(某种状态):
I was drifting off to sleep
Lewis and his father drifted apart.
- (of a person or their attention) digress or stray to another subject(人)离题; (注意力)分散:
I noticed my audience's attention drifting.
- (especially of snow or leaves) be blown into heaps by the wind(尤指雪或树叶)被吹积:
fallen leaves start to drift in the gutters
as adj. drifting drifting snow.被风吹积起来的雪。
- in sing. a continuous slow movement from one place to another(不断缓慢的)流动:
there was a drift to the towns.
- mass noun the deviation of a vessel, aircraft, or projectile from its intended or expected course as the result of currents or winds(水流或气流导致的船舶、飞机或射弹的)偏航, 偏移:
the pilot had not noticed any appreciable drift.
- a steady movement or development from one thing towards another, especially one that is perceived as unwelcome(尤指令人不安的)逐渐转变(或发展); 动向, 趋势:
the drift towards a more repressive style of policing.
- mass noun a state of inaction or indecision不作为; 优柔寡断:
after so much drift, any expression of enthusiasm is welcome.
犹豫了这么久之后, 任何热情的表达都是受欢迎的。
- Motor Racing a controlled skid, used in taking bends at high speeds.【赛车】(高速行驶中转弯时)有控滑移。
- Brit. historical an act of driving cattle or sheep〈英, 史〉赶牛; 赶羊。
- Brit. historical a herding of cattle within a forest to a particular place on an appointed day in order to determine ownership or to levy fines〈英, 史〉林中赶拢牲口(以判定所有权或收取罚金)。
- in sing. the general intention or meaning of an argument or someone's remarks要旨; 大意:
he didn't understand much Greek, but he got her drift.
他不太懂希腊语, 但他明白她的大致意思。
- a large mass of snow, leaves, or other material piled up or carried along by the wind(雪、树叶等的)吹积物。
- mass noun Geology glacial and fluvioglacial deposits left by retreating ice sheets【地质】冰碛。
- a large mass of flowering plants growing together大丛开花植物:
a drift of daffodils.
- Mining a horizontal or inclined passage following a mineral vein or coal seam【矿】水平巷道, 平巷, 平峒。
- S. African a ford〈南非〉浅滩。