- of, relating to, or denoting a family of languages spoken in southern India and Sri Lanka, or the peoples who speak them达罗毗荼语的(该语在印度南部和斯里兰卡使用); 达罗毗荼人的。
- mass noun this family of languages达罗毗荼语。
- a member of any of the peoples speaking a Dravidian language达罗毗荼人。
Dravidian languages were once spoken throughout the Indian subcontinent, but were restricted to the south following the arrival of speakers of Indic languages c.1000 BC. Those still used, by over 160 million people, include Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Telugu.
from Sanskrit drāvida 'relating to the Tamils' (from Dravida Tamil) + -IAN.