Vladimir I
- (956-1015) , grand prince of Kiev 980-1015; known as Vladimir the Great; canonized as St Vladimir. His marriage to a sister of the Byzantine emperor Basil II resulted in his conversion to Christianity and in Christianity in Russia developing in close association with the Orthodox Church. Feast day, 15 July.弗拉基米尔一世(956-1015, 基辅大公[980-1015], 通称“伟大的弗拉基米尔”, 被封为“圣弗拉基米尔”; 与拜占庭帝国皇帝巴西尔二世的妹妹成亲, 使他皈依基督教, 并使俄罗斯基督教的发展和东正教紧密相连; 宗教节日7月15日)。