/dɔː(r)/- a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard门。
- a doorway门口; 门道:
she walked through the door.
- used to refer to the distance from one building in a row to another(成排房屋的)门间距离, 门面:
they lived within three doors of each other.
他们住得很近, 相隔不到三间门面。
as one door closes, another opens
- proverb you shouldn't be discouraged by failure, as other opportunities will soon present themselves〈谚〉山重水复疑无路, 柳暗花明又一村; 柳暗花明。
at the door
- on admission to an event rather than in advance在(赛事等的)当场(而非事先):
tickets will be available at the door.
close(或shut)the door on(或to)
- exclude the opportunity for把…拒之门外; 排除…的机会:
she had closed the door on ever finding out what he was feeling.
(from) door to door
- from start to finish of a journey(行程)从开始到结束:
the trip from door to door could take more than four hours.
- visiting all the houses in an area to sell or publicize something挨家挨户(推销或宣传):
he went from door to door selling insurance policies
as modifier a door-to-door salesman.一位逐门逐户推销的推销员。
lay something at someone's door
- regard someone as responsible for something将…归咎于某人:
the failure is laid at the door of the government.
leave the door open
- ensure that there is still an opportunity for something将门敞开; 确保还有机会:
he is leaving the door open for future change.
on the door
- monitoring admission to a building or event看着门的:
the uniformed commissionaires on the door.
open the door to
- create an opportunity for为…打开大门; 为…创造机会:
her research has opened the door to a deeper understanding of the subject.
out of doors
- in or into the open air在(或去)户外:
food tastes even better out of doors.