Dome of the Rock
- an Islamic shrine in Jerusalem, for Muslims the third most holy place after Mecca and Medina. It surrounds the sacred rock on which, according to tradition, Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac and from which the prophet Muhammad made his miraculous midnight ascent into heaven (the Night Journey).岩顶穹顶寺(耶路撒冷一伊斯兰神殿, 对穆斯林来说是继麦加和麦地那之后的第三圣地; 绕圣石而建, 据传, 亚伯拉罕准备在这块圣石上将他儿子以撒献祭, 先知穆罕默德也是从这块石头上奇迹般地午夜升上天堂, 即踏上“夜之旅”)。