/ˌdɒlɪˈvɪərə/- D'Oliveira, Basil (Lewis) (b. 1931), British cricketer and coach, born in South Africa and of Cape coloured origin. South Africa's refusal to allow him into the country led to the cancellation of England's 1968-9 tour and to South Africa's subsequent banishment from test cricket until the end of apartheid.多利韦拉, 巴兹尔(·刘易斯)(生于1931年, 英国板球运动员和教练, 出生于南非, 是欧非混血儿; 因南非拒绝他入境导致英格兰1968-1969年巡回比赛被取消, 南非随后被取消板球比赛资格, 直至种族隔离结束)。