/vesˈpuːtʃɪ/- Vespucci, Amerigo (1451-1512), Italian merchant and explorer. He travelled to the New World, reaching the coast of Venezuela on his first voyage (1499-1500) and exploring the Brazilian coastline in 1501- 2. The Latin form of his first name is believed to have given rise to the name of America.韦斯普奇, 亚美利哥(1451-1512, 意大利商人、探险家, 数次航行到新大陆, 首航 [1499-1500] 到达委内瑞拉海岸, 1501-1502年又沿巴西海岸探险; 据信美洲即得名于其名字的拉丁语形式)。