/veˈspeɪʒjən/(AD 9-79)
- Roman emperor 69-79 and founder of the Flavian dynasty; Latin name Titus Flavius Vespasianus. He was acclaimed emperor by the legions in Egypt during the civil wars following the death of Nero and gained control of Italy after the defeat of Vitellius. His reign saw the restoration of financial and military order and the initiation of a public building programme.韦斯巴芗(公元9-79, 古罗马皇帝 [公元69-79], 弗拉维王朝创立者, 拉丁语名提图斯·弗拉维乌斯·韦斯帕西亚努斯; 在尼禄死后的内战中, 受驻在埃及的古罗马军团的拥戴称帝, 打败韦特利乌斯之后, 控制了意大利; 在位时恢复了财政和军事秩序并开始修建公共建筑物)。