mass noun
1- Music lack of harmony among musical notes【乐】不协和音:
an unusual degree of dissonance for such choral styles
对这种合唱风格来说, 这是过度的不协和音
count noun the harsh dissonances give a sound which is quite untypical of the Renaissance.刺耳的不协和音符发出的声音是很不符合文艺复兴时期特点的。
- a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements不和谐; 不协调; 不一致:
the dissonance between the act of firing someone and the manager's beliefs about what is decent behaviour.
late Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin dissonantia, from Latin dissonant- 'agreeing in sound', from the verb dissonare.