an independent papal state in the city of Rome, the seat of government of the Roman Catholic Church; pop. 800 (est. 2009). It covers an area of 44 hectares (109 acres) around St Peter's Basilica and the palace of the Vatican. Having been suspended after the incorporation of the former Papal States into Italy in 1870, the temporal power of the Pope was restored by the Lateran Treaty of 1929.
梵蒂冈城(罗马城内的独立教会国, 罗马天主教中心机构所在地, 2009年估计人口800, 以圣彼得大教堂和梵蒂冈宫为中心, 占地44公顷, 即109英亩; 1870年原教皇国并入意大利后, 教皇的俗权曾一度中止, 直至1929年根据拉特兰条约才得以恢复)。