Van Eyck
/ˌvænˈaɪk/- Van Eyck, Jan (c.1370-1441), Flemish painter. He made innovative use of oils, bringing greater flexibility, richer and denser colour, and a wider range from light to dark. Notable works: The Adoration of the Lamb (known as the Ghent Altarpiece, 1432) in the church of St Bavon in Ghent and The Arnolfini Marriage (1434).凡·爱克, 简(佛兰德斯画家, 他改革油画颜料的使用, 使之更为灵活、色彩更丰富细密、明暗变化范围更广; 著名作品有: 根特市圣巴封大教堂内的《羔羊受崇敬》 [通称“根特祭坛组画”, 1432] 和《阿诺弗尼夫妇肖像》 [1434])。