- mass noun the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance or preciousness of something重要性, 珍贵性:
your support is of great value.
- the material or monetary worth of something价值:
prints seldom rise in value
count noun equipment is included up to a total value of £500.包括总值不超过500英镑的设备。
- the worth of something compared to the price paid or asked for it等值(物), 合算之物:
at £12.50 the book is good value.
- the usefulness of something considered in respect of a particular purpose有用性, 益处:
some new drugs are of great value in treating cancers.
a person's principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life价值观念, 标准:they internalize their parents' rules and values.
- the numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term; a magnitude, quantity, or number(数)值:
the mean value of x
an accurate value for the mass of Venus.
- Music the relative duration of the sound signified by a note【乐】时值(音符的长度)。
- Linguistics the meaning of a word or other linguistic unit【语言学】(词或其他语言单位)确切意义。
- the quality or tone of a spoken sound; the sound represented by a letter值, 音值。
- Art the relative degree of lightness or darkness of a particular colour【艺术】(色彩)明暗度:
the artist has used adjacent colour values as the landscape recedes.
随着景物后移, 艺术家用了相邻色调明暗度处理。
- (一般作be valued)estimate the monetary worth of (something)估价, 定价, 评价:
his estate was valued at £45,000.
- consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of尊重, 重视:
she had come to value her privacy and independence
as adj. valued a valued friend.一个重要的朋友。
value for money
- Brit. used in reference to something that is well worth the money spent on it〈英〉物有所值之物:
this camera is really good value for money.