1- a Eurasian plant which typically bears clusters of small pink or white flowers缬草。
- Family Valerianaceae: several species, in particular common valerian (Valeriana officinalis), a valued medicinal herb, and the Mediterranean red valerian (Centranthus ruber), grown for its spurred flowers which attract butterflies.败酱科:数种, 尤指名贵药材的缬草(拉丁名Valerina officinalis)和产于地中海地区的红缬草(拉丁名Centranthus ruber), 为其吸引蝴蝶的团状花而种植。
- mass noun a drug obtained from the root of common valerian, used as a stimulant and antispasmodic缬草根(用作兴奋剂和镇痉剂)。
late Middle English: from Old French valeriane, from medieval Latin valeriana (herba), apparently the feminine of Valerianus 'of Valerius' (a personal name).