Dionysius the Areopagite
/ˌærɪˈɒpəgaɪt/- (1st century AD) , Greek churchman. His conversion by St Paul is recorded in Acts 17:34 and according to tradition he went on to become the first bishop of Athens. He was later confused with St Denis and with a mystical theologian, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, who exercised a profound influence on medieval theology.大法官丢尼修(公元1世纪, 希腊牧师; 他被圣保罗改变信仰这件事在《使徒行传》第17章第34节中有记录, 据传说他成为雅典第一主教, 后来他被与圣丹尼斯和一位神秘的神学者混淆, 后者是伪大法官丢尼修, 他对中世纪的神学产生了深远的影响)。