- spread or cause to spread over a wide area or between a large number of people散播; 传播; 使扩散:
no obj. technologies diffuse rapidly技术推广得很快
with obj. the problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy.问题是如何分散权利而又不引起无政府状态。
- become or cause (a fluid, gas, individual atom, etc.) to become intermingled with a substance by movement, typically in a specified direction or at specified speed(多指顺一定方向或以一定速度)(将)(液体、气体、单个原子等)渗入; (使)弥漫:
no obj. oxygen molecules diffuse across the membrane氧分子渗过隔膜
with obj. gas is diffused into the bladder.气体渗入囊袋。
- with obj. cause (light) to glow faintly by dispersing it in many directions使(光)漫射。
- spread out over a large area; not concentrated散开的; 分散的:
the diffuse community which centred on the church
the light is more diffuse.
- (of disease) not localized in the body(疾病)扩散的:
diffuse hyperplasia.
- lacking clarity or conciseness含糊的; 冗赘的:
the second argument is more diffuse.
The verbs diffuse and defuse sound similar but have different meanings. Diffuse means, broadly, 'disperse', while the non-literal meaning of defuse is 'reduce the danger or tension in'. Thus sentences such as Cooper successfully diffused the situation are regarded as incorrect, while Cooper successfully defused the situation would be correct. However, such uses of diffuse are widespread, and can make sense: the image in, for example, only peaceful dialogue between the two countries could diffuse tension is not of making a bomb safe but of reducing something dangerous to particles and dispersing them harmlessly.
/-ˈfjuːslɪ/ adverbdiffuseness
/-ˈfjuːsnɪs/ noun词源
late Middle English: from Latin diffus- 'poured out', from the verb diffundere, from dis- 'away' + fundere 'pour'; the adjective via French diffus or Latin diffusus 'extensive', from diffundere.