- Greek Mythology a personification of heaven or the sky, the most ancient of the Greek gods and first ruler of the universe. He was overthrown and castrated by his son Cronus【希腊神话】乌拉诺斯(天空的化身, 最早的希腊神, 宇宙第一任主宰, 后被其子克罗诺斯推翻并阉割)。
- Astronomy a distant planet of the solar system, seventh in order from the sun, discovered by William Herschel in 1781【天文】天王星。
Uranus orbits between Jupiter and Neptune at an average distance of 2,870 million km from the sun. It has an equatorial diameter of 50,800 km, and is one of the gas giants. The planet is bluish-green in colour, having an upper atmosphere consisting almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. There are at least seventeen satellites, the largest of which are Oberon and Titania, and a faint ring system.